Free, Pay as you go & Unlimited plans
affordable for every budget
We Are Problem-Solvers
Ouido was created based on a simple idea… that real estate software should actually help you do your job, not get in the way. That’s why when we designed Ouido, we threw out conventional thinking and looked for a new way to solve a problem that many haven’t been able to resolve.
Conventional wisdom suggests that a problem with many attempted solutions has probably been solved, but we knew that if that were the case, people would “love” their software. Most people merely “tolerate” their software because they don’t believe there is a better solution. Ouido finally solves the problem.
We all know that no two deals happen the same way, so why does most software force every deal through the same process?
We Identified a Problem
As real estate professionals, our team spent time using software to track deals and continually hit barriers.
We realized that real estate agent software suffered one of two problems.
First, the software was so flexible that it had no structure, and we had to remember to do everything. The software did not tie to other tools we used every day like DropBox™ or DocuSign®. Analyzing our business was difficult.
Or, the software was so structured and controlling, it was impossible to adapt to reality. We had to put a square peg into a round hole or design our own work arounds, which caused even more work for us.

Free, Pay as you go & Unlimited plans
affordable for every budget

Free, Pay as you go & Unlimited plans
affordable for every budget
We Came Up With an Idea
We needed a new paradigm in process management. No longer would a deal have to fit into a predefined model. The process could change and adapt to the uniqueness of each deal in real time.
We threw out conventional thinking and looked for a new way to solve the flexibility and structure problems that others had failed to solve.
We didn’t want to make the same mistakes other developers made, so we had to unlearn everything we thought we knew. The new the solution would learn the individual agent’s process, remember key steps and deadlines, and seamlessly integrate tools already being used.
We found a way to change an agent’s life without changing their world.
We Developed a Solution
Hello, Ouido! We developed a prototype to prove the concept and shared it with industry experts. They saw the incredible benefit so we enlisted our fellow real estate agents and built Ouido completely from the ground up.
Finally, we have software designed for real estate professionals, by real estate professionals.